Speeches, Interviews, & News Articles

To read my wide ranging discussion in Z Magazine, "What is at Stake in Palestine: Radical New Stage in Ruling Class Modalities of Control" (May 2024), click here.

To watch on Youtube my one hour public lecture, "Global Capitalism and Genocide in Palestine," 11 May 2024, click here.

To Watch/Listen to my talk to the Poor People's Army on "The Global Police State", 7 May 2024, click here.

To listen to my interview on Pacifica Radio (Against the Grain) on the larger meaning of the campus protests against genocide in Gaza, 16 April 2024, click here.

To watch my interview on CultureStudies program (18 March 2024) on "William I Robinson on the Transnational Capitalist Class, Neoliberalism, Imperialism, and Future Crises", click here.

To read the interview "We Are Living Through the Perfect Storm" that sociologist Zhandarka Kurti did with me, published in the April 2024 edition of The Brooklyn Rail, click here.

To read my article in Truthout (March 2024), "Israel Has Formed a Task Force to Carry Out Covert Campaigns on U.S. University Campuses," click here.

To read my January 2024 article in The Los Angeles Review of Books/The Philosophical Salon, co-authored with Hoai-An Nguyen, "Gaza: A Ghastly Window Into the Crisis of Global Capitalism," click here.

To read my January 2024 interview with Iran Daily on Israel/Palestine and the critique of Zionism, click here.

To read in Spanish my December 2023 interview with El Salto Diario (Spain) on global police state and a wide range of world political and economic topics, click here.

To read my November 2023 commentary in Spain's leading newspaper, El Pais, "Las Elites Quieren Pequenas Reformas del Capitalismo para Evitar Cambios Radicales," click here.

To listen to my keynote address (in Spanish), "La Poli-Crisis del Capitalismo Global," XIX International Congress, "Integracion Regional, Fronteras, y Globalizacion en el Continente Americano," 6 November 2023, click here.

To read an interview with me in LINKS on "Capitalist Globalization, Transnational Class Exploitation, and the Global Police State," click here.

To read my article "The Unbearable Manicheanism of the 'Anti-Imperialist' Left", published in 2023 in The Los Angeles Review of Books, click here.

To read my 2023 article in Truthout, "Davos Showed Us a Ruling Class Incapable of Resolving Global Crises," click here.

To listen to my one-hour interview on "Conversations with Politics", February 2023, click here.

To listen to my 2022 interview with The Real News Network, "Global Revolt in the Age of Covid Capitalism", click here.

To read my 2022 article in Global Transitions Initiative (GTI), "The Crisis of Fortress Capitalism", click here.

To read my 2022 article in Against The Current, "Nicaragua: Ortega and the Ghost of Louise Bonaparte," click here.

To listen to my 2022 interview with The Real News Network, "How Covid-19 Will Lead to a Global Capitalist Police State," click here.

To listen to my 2022 interview with Richard Wolff, "The Terminal Crisis of Global Capitalism" (at 14 minutes into podcast), click here.

To read my 2022 article in Truthout, "Mass Protest is Rising - Can it Confront Global Capitalism?", click here.

To listen to my 2022 interview on the global political and economic situation, click here.

To listen to my 2022 interview on Geopolitics and Empire Podcast, "Crisis in the International System," click here: here.

To read my April 2022 article in Truthout, "Global Capitalism Has Become Dependent on War-Making to Sustain Itself," click here.

To see my interview on Pacifica Radio on Global Civil War (April 2022), click here.

To see my presentation on The New Digital Age to the Lula Institute (Brazil), March 2022, click here.

To read my article in Truthout, "The COVID Supply Chain Breakdown Can be Traced to Capitalist Globalization" (November 2021) click here.

To see my one hour interview with The Real News Network on the Nicaraguan crisis (2021), click here.

To see my presentation to the European Alternative Security Conference in 2021, click here.

To read my 2021 article in ROAR, "What Are the Real Reasons Behind the New Cold War?" click here.

To read my two-part August 2021 article published in NACLA on the Nicaraguan crisis, click here:
Part I, Part II

To watch a March 2021 Youtube interview with me, "Understanding the Elites", click here.

To read a book review of my 2020 book, "The Global Police State," click here.

To watch my 26 October 2020 interview on "The Global Police State" with RT's Going Underground show, click here.

To read my 25 October 2020 article in Truthout, "To Defeat Fascism in the US Elections and Beyond, We Must Recognize It's a Failed Response to Capitalist Crisis," click here.

To listen to and view my September 2020 interview with Sonali Kolhatkar, "Rising Up With Sonali," on The Global Police State, click here.

To read my June 2020 article in Truthout, "Post COVID-19 Economy May Have More Robots, Fewer Jobs and Intensified Surveillance," click here.

To read my article "It's Captialism, Stupid! Ruling Class Counteroffensive in the Works Against Anti-Racist Uprising," click here.

To read my article "Global Police State: Militarization, Repression, and Capitalism in the US" click here.

To listen to or watch my virtual speech, "Global Capitalism and COVID-19" click here.

To read my article in Spanish, "Bella Lucha, Amenaza Fascista", click here.

To read my 3-part series "Global Capitalist Crisis Deadlier Than Coronavirus," in the web magazine ARENA, click here:
Part I, Part II, and Part III

To read my article in Truthout, "Beyond the Economic Chaos of Coronavirus is a Global War Economy", click here.

To watch or listen to the my February 2020 interview (part 1) with The Real News Network, "How Capitalism's Structural and Ideological Crisis Gives Rise to Neofascim," click here.

To watch or listen to my February 2020 interview (part 2) with The Real News Network, "Is Trump's Impeachment Merely a Fight Within the US Ruling Class?", click here.

To read my essay "Storm Clouds Over Latin America: The Big Picture", click here, and to read the same essay in Spanish, "Nubarrones Sobre America Latina: El Cuadro Grande", click here.

To hear a 35 minute talk that I gave in Spanish on November 1, 2019, to CLACSO on "La Crisis del Capitalismo Global y las Implicaciones para America Latina", click here.

To read an essay I published, together with Oscar Fabian Soto, in Social Justice, titled "Passive Revolution and the Movement Against Mass Incarceration: From Prison Abolition to Redemption Script," click here.

To read my essay, "Can Twenty-First Century Fascism Resolve the Crisis of Global Capitalism", click here.

To read a review of my recent book, "Into the Tempest: Essays on the New Global Capitalism," click here.

To read (in Spanish), my article, "La Segunda Implosion de Centroamerica," click here.

To read my 2019 article in NACLA, "The Second Implosion of Central America," click here.

To read my article in Third World Insurgent (issue 333/334, 2018), "The Recolonization of Latin America by Global Capitalism", please click here.

To listen to a 10 minute interview that KPFA radio did with me on the new United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (18 October 2018), click here

To read a symposium I participated in (October 2018), "The Precariat: Today's Transformative Class?," click here

To read my article "Revitalizing the Left in Latin America" (published in September 2018 in the South African internet magazine New Frame), click here

To read my article (September 2018, in Spanish), "La Crisis en Nicaragua y El Maniqueismo de la Izquierda Norteamericana," Revista America Latina en Movimiento, click here

To read my article "The Nicaraguan Crisis and the Manicheanism of the U.S. Left," click here

To read my article (in Spanish, July 2018), "La Renovacion de la Izquierda es Urgente," Revista America Latina en Movimiento, click here

To read my Op-Ed in the Mexican daily newspaper, La Jornada, "Desmoronamiento del Regimen Ortega-Murillo," click here

To read my article in Truthout (May 2018), "Capitalist Development in Nicaragua: The Mirage of the Left," click here

To read my article (in Spanish), "Estado Policiaco Global," January 2018, America Latina en Movimiento, on-line magazine, click here

To listen to a one-hour interview with Radio Free Winnipeg (Canada) in January 2018 on topics related to global police state, crisis, and 21st century fascism, click here

To read my article, "Passive Revolution: The Transnational Capitalist Class Unravels Latin America's Pink Tide," Truthout, 6 June 2017 click here

To read my article in Truthout "What is Behind the Renegotiation of NAFTA? Trumpism and the New Global Economy," click here

To read my article in Telesur "The Next Economic Crisis? Digital Capitalism and Global Police State," click here

To hear my keynote address (in English and Spanish) to the fourth biannual conference of the Network for the Critical Study of Global Capitalism, in Havana, Cuba, 1 November 2017, click here

To read an interview that the on-line journal of international relations, "E-International Relations" did with me, click here

To read my speech "El de Trump, Discurso Populista Vs Programa Neoliberal (in Spanish) to the "Encuentro de Organizaciones Sociales Canada, Estados Unidos, Mexico,", held in Mexico City on 26-27 May 2017 and published in La Jornada (Mexico) on June 17, 2017, click here

To hear a one-half hour interview with me on May 4, 2017, on The Gary Null Show, on the topic of the current global crisis and its relationship to militarization, among other topics, click here, and scroll to the 30 minute mark (I am on the second half of the show)

To hear a one-hour interview (April 14, 2017) with me on the Middle East, US foreign policy, the new militarization, and global crisis on "It's the Empire Stupid" radio program, click here

To hear a 50 minute wide-ranging interview that journalist and author Justin Podur of The Ossington Circle did with me on "TRUMPISM AND CAPITALISM," click here

To listen to a one-hour podcast that Radio Occupy did with me in January 2017 on the rise of Trumpism and the threat of 21st century fascism, click here

To read an interview that the Mexican magazine El Proceso did with me, "Contra el Capitalismo Global, Las Luchas Transnacionales, here

To read an article I wrote in Spanish, "Trump y el Fascismo del Siglo XXI"/Trump and 21st Century Fascism, published on November 28, 2016, in Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI, Latin America Information Agency), click here

To see a 30 minute video interview conducted in Spanish in Mexico City with Grado Zero with regard to Latin America and Global Capitalism, click here

For a half hour speech I gave in English, "From NAFTA to the trans-Pacific Partnership: Understanding Free Trade Deals," Opening keynote, Trinational Conference in Defense of Public Education, Vancouver, 12 May 2016, click here

To listen to a one-hour May 18, 2016, interview with me on "sadistic capitalism and the crisis of humanity", on the Gary Null Show (WBAI New York), click here

To read my April 12, 2016 article in Truthout, Sadistic Capitalism: Six Urgent Matters for Humanity in Global Crisis", click here

To read my January 2016 Truthout article ("Reform is not Enough to Stem the Growing Worldwide Tide of Inequality") in Spanish, "La reforma no es suficiente para detener la creciente ola de desigualdad en todo el mundo?," click here

To read a January 2016 transcript of an interview I gave to "Bottom Up" radio show on "Why we Need a Transnational and a Global Consciousness" click here

To see my January 1, 2016 article in Truthout on "Savage Global Inequalities and the Transnational Capitalist Class: Reform is not Enough," click here

For a commentary I wrote on "savage global inequalities" and the Piketty debate for the International Sociological Association digital magazine, click here, which will take you to the web publication, or click here for a Word print out of the article.

To read in Spanish the transcription of a talk I gave in 2007 analyzing the failed coup and the Venezuelan revolution at the turn of the century, click here

To read an article I published in June 2015 in Truthout titled "Global Capitalist Crisis and the North American Free Trade Agreement," click here

To see an interview done with me by Telesur South American television station on the 2015 Summit of the Americas, click here or here

To see a youtube of the panel I organized "The Story of Salsa," with salsa legend Angel Lebron, ethnomusicologist Marisol Berrios-Miranda, and Chicano/Latino Studies and Afro-Cuban music scholar, click here

To read my article in Truthout on "The Political Economy of Israeli Apartheid and the Specter of Fascism," click here

To read an article I published in Trughout on my ordeal with the Israel Lobby and the University of Calfornia, click here

To see an interview with me on the same topic, click here

To read an interview of mine by the FARS (Iranian) news agency, click here

For an article on global crisis that I published in The World Financial Review May/June 2014 issue click here

For an interview that Carmen Arestegui did with me on CNN En Espanol on my new Spanish-language book, Una Teoria Sobre el Capitalismo Global", click here

For a 20 minute talk titled "Policing Global Capitalism: Crisis and Social Control" that I gave on March 1, 2014, at the University of California conference on global studies, click here

For an early February 2014 article published in the Mexican daily La Jornada about the launching of my book "Una Teoria sobre el Capitalismo Global" by Siglo XXI publishers, click here

For a January 2014 interview in Spanish I gave to the Huellas Mexicanas (Mexican Footprints, or more poetically translated, "Traces of Mexico") blog, click here

For a panel presentation (in Spanish) on my new book, Una Teoria Sobre el Capitalismo Global, featuring Enrique Dussel, Pablo Gonzales Casanova, Juan Manuel Sandoval, and Edur Valesco, click here

For interviews of me and my recent works by the Mexican daily newspaper La Jornada please click here and here

To read an article I published in Truth-Out about immigration reform and immigrant rights, click here.

For a one hour video recording of a panel on the Irvine 11, the Palestinian struggle, and the struggle against Israeli censorship, click here.

For a half-hour extract of a workshop I gave in Spanish in Los Angeles in mid-2011 on 16 points of struggle against global capitalism, see (in three parts): Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

For an opinion piece I wrote in December 2011 titled "Global Rebellion: The Coming Chaos?", click here. For a translation of that article into spanish, click here.

For a one-hour interview I did with Worldstreams radio station, click here.

For an opinion piece I wrote on May 2011 for Al Jazeera English on "Global Capitalism and 21st Century Fascism", click here.

For a 5 minute talk I gave in December 2010 in Spanish on the challenges facing the Venezuelan Revolution, click here.

For a video stream of a talk I gave in Manila, Philippines on "Understanding Global Capitalism,", click here.

For a video stream of segments of a speech I gave on Israel/Palestine and academic freedom before theSeventh Annual Al-Awda(Right of Return of all Palestinians in the Diaspora to their Homeland Palestine) Convention at Anaheim, California on May 23, 2009, click here (this will take you to a web page that includes a video stream and also the complete transcript of my speech): click here.

For the video stream of a talk I gave in January 2009 at UCSB titled "The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Cyclical, Structural, or Systemic?", click here.

For an interview Zmag conducted with me in 2007 on my theory of global capitalism, click here.

Click here to listen to the keynote address I gave at Yale University's April 7-8, 2006 conference "In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Electoral Intervention in the Americas". The 20-minute address is titled "Democracy, Polyarchy, and U.S. Policy Towards Latin America."

For Speech (in Spanish) on April 1,2007 at the Los Angeles Workers' Center/Casa Roja in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the failed coup d'etat in Venezuela click here.

For an interview that Venezuelanalysis did with me on democracy promotion, U.S. foreign policy, intervention in Latin America, and the Venezuelan revolution, click here.


William Robinson, Ph.D.
c/o Department of Sociology
SSMS, 3310
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9430
fax: (805) 893-3324


Twitter: @w_i_robinson

Facebook: WilliamIRobinsonSociologist