
My new book (published 2024), War, Global Capitalism, and Resistance:

My new book, Can Global Capitalism Endure? (2022). Here are the back cover endorsements:

"Every paragraph of Can Global Capitalism Endure? sizzles with insights. Here is William I. Robinson at this best: empirically sensitive, theoretically original, politically committed".

- Jason W. Moore, environmental historian, ecologist, and professor of sociology, Binghampton University

My new book, Global Civil War: Capitalism Post-Pandemic (2022). Here are the back cover endorsements:

"William I. Robinson elucidates the terrifying configurations of a new type of global dictatorship, that imposed by transnational capital. By seizing control of national economies and imposing the most sophisticated forms of surveillance in human history these transnational entities are cementing into place a dystopian world that serves the interests of a global elite at the expense of liberty, freedom of expression, democracy and economic security. This is the future, unless we rise up to wrest power back from our corporate overlords."
- Chris Hedges, author of America, The Farewell Tour

"As an axis of rampant capital and wondrous technology grows by the day and liberal democracy sheds its last illusions, William I. Robinson describes a true enemy of humanity that is close to home. And yet nothing is inevitable. Read this urgent book."
- John Pilger, journalist, writer and documentary filmmaker

"A novel and important analysis of how global capitalism is being transformed by the pandemic. Robinson skillfully maps out how expanding digitalization, growing government intervention, and emerging movements across the political spectrum, all reflect and reshape ongoing capitalist crises."
- Nick Snicek, Program Director, MSc Digital Economy, King’s College London, and author of Platform Capitalism.

My new book, The Global Police State. Here are the back cover endorsements:

Karl Marx aspired to a world in which our animal needs would be satisfied and our human needs could be addressed. It is a realistic possibility now, as William Robinson outlines - or the alternative that is taking shape before our eyes: a 'global police state' controlled by narrowly concentrated capital with 'surplus humanity' left to survive somehow on its own. The choice is in our hands. There could hardly be a more compelling one' - Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and author of 'Who Rules the World?'

'Robinson gives powerful theoretical coherence to everyone's fear that the fascism is being reborn, but adds the important twist that repression itself has grown into an essential engine of accumulation' - Mike Davis, author of 'Planet of Slums' and co-author of 'Set the Night on Fire: Los Angeles in the Sixties'

'For the last twenty years, William Robinson has been one of the most important analysts of global capitalism and the dynamics of globalization. In this new work, Robinson turns his attention to the emergence of a 21st century 'global police state'; that has developed as a corollary to growing inequality, climate collapse, and intensifying migration movements of the dispossessed. As Robinson warns, with great deprivation comes great repression, policing and potentially war. Robinson writes pointedly and with urgency for a broad audience with an interest in mobilizing for a just world' - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and author of 'From #BlackLives Matter to Black Liberation'

In this critical new work, sociologist William I. Robinson offers an engaging and accessible introduction to his theory of global capitalism. He applies this theory to a wide range of contemporary topics, among them, globalization, the trans- national capitalist class, immigrant justice, educational reform, labor and anti-racist struggles, policing, Trumpism, the resurgence of a neo-fascist right, and the rise of a global police state. Sure to spark debate, this is a timely contribution to a renewal of critical social science and Marxist theory for the new century.

"It is perhaps no surprise that as Israel drifts towards repression and reaction within, and becomes increasingly isolated internationally as a result of the harsh and criminal occupation, its informal lobby in the US becomes more desperate to stifle free and open discussion of the state they seek to protect. Efforts of the kind sampled here . . . are as deplorable as they are predictable, and should be dismissed with contempt, and strongly opposed." - Noam Chomsky

"These testimonials provide a stunning and all too familiar portrait of the extent to which the forces that suppress free speech and academic freedom are at work in the US university system to stifle those who would call for social justice in Palestine. . . . These voices must be heard." - Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

As criticism mounts over Israel's violation of Palestinian human rights and international law, campaigns to silence and repress those who speak out against Israeli apartheid and US complicity have grown alarmingly. Scholars have been denied jobs, refused tenure and promotion, rejected for funding, and expelled from institutions, while student organizations have faced harassment and sanctions. We Will Not Be Silenced offers thirteen powerful, firsthand testimonials from scholars and students whose struggle to defend their academic freedom and free speech has garnered widespread public and international attention.

My 2008 book Latin America and Global Capitalism has been updated and published in Spanish by the Mexican publishing house Siglo XXI: For ordering information from, click here

My most recent book, Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2014.
From the back cover:
"In this thoughtful and informative study, William I. Robinson carries forward the theory of global capitalism that he has presented in earlier work, applying it to the severe crises of an unprecedented moment of human history, when decisions directly affect the prospects for decent survival. The perspective that he develops is a most valuable one, broadly researched and carefully analyzed, addressing issues of utmost importance."

- Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor (retired), Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Spanish edition of William I. Robinson's 2003 book, "Transnational Conflicts: Central America, Social Change, and Globalization," was published in 2011 by the Central American University (UCA), in San Salvador, El Salvador. For ordering information, please contact UCA at
La edicion en Espa�ol del libro de William I. Robinson "Conflictos transnacionales: Centroam�rica, cambio social y globalizati�n" fue publicado en 2011.

Access and download this book by clicking the chapters below/para bajar el libro como archivo de PDF, clique los capitulos.

Capitulo 1

Capitulo 2

Capitulo 3

Capitulo 4

Capitulo 5

Capitulo 6

The Spanish edition of William I. Robinsons 2004 book "A Theory of Global Capitalism" was published in 2007. Access and download this edition in PDF format by clicking here. La edicion en Espanol del libro de William I. Robinson "Una Teoria sobre el Capitalismo global" fue publicado en 2007. Para bajar el libro como archivo de PDF, clique aqui.

Latin America and Global Capitalism: A Critical Globalization Perspective, was published by Johns Hopkins University Press in Fall 2008.

From the back cover:

"William I. Robinson has delivered us a powerful statement on contemporary Latin America as both a product of globalization and a challenge to the view that 'there is no alternative.' This is a wide ranging political economy which is both well researched and eminently readable. A must!"

——Ronaldo Munck, author of Contemporary Latin America

"Building on his pathbreaking work on emerging transnational states, classes, and relations of production, William Robinson reveals the deepening, overlapping, and ultimately unsustainable global crises of legitimacy, overaccumulation, and polarization. Robinson argues with great analytical lucidity that Latin America's current 'left turn,' more than a manifestation of turbulence, is a struggle over the shape of the new world to come."

——Greg Grandin, author of Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism

"Robinson's book is a model for critical globalization studies—empirically grounded and theoretically sophisticated. He shows us how Latin America is on the frontlines in the struggle to determine what will succeed the neoliberal paradigm of the capitalist global order."

—Michael Hardt, coauthor of Empire and Multitude

Critical Globalization Studies, published by Routledge Press.

William I. Robinson's 1992 book, 'U.S. Intervention in the Nicaraguan Elections and American Foreign Policy in the Post Cold War Era' (Westview) recently went out of print. Due to high demand in Latin America for the book we have made the complete manuscript, including appendices, available here as a pdf file.

A Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World. From the Back Cover: "William I Robinson has earned a reputation as one of the leading critical analysts of capitalist globalization as a system of power. This book--both rigorous and readable--develops his thesis that we are witnessing a world-historical transition into a new phase of capitalism, with new forms of power, resistance, and struggle. Whether or not you agree with Robinson's controversial thesis, you will agree that this book represents formidable scholarship and raises crucial political questions for the twenty-first century."

--Mark Rupert,
Syracuse University

"This is a fine, succinctly argued presentation of a critical theory of 'global capitalism.' The author regards globalization as a new phase in the history of capitalism--specifically, in the development of a transnational global economy. This book is particularly striking with respect to its cogency, vitality, and great commitment to a democratic global order."

--Roland Robertson,
University of Aberdeen

"Yet another book on globalization? If you think you have read too many already, think again! Here is a fresh look at the subject which shatters the illusion that globalization has to do with either free international trade or the disappearance of the state. Robinson expertly gathers the diverse threads that run through our world order and unerringly hones in on class and transnational power at the heart of it."

--Ankie Hoogvelt,
University of Sheffield

"The leading analyst of transnational class formation provides a clear, straightforward, and convincing account of the economic, political, and social contours of contemporary capitalism. This is a essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the global condition and prospects for its amelioration."

--Craig N. Murphy,
M. Margaret Ball Professor of International Relations,
Wellesley College, and Chair, Academic Council on the United Nations System

Transnational Conflicts: Central America, Social Change and Globalization, published by Verso Press.

From the Back Cover: In this timely and provocative study, William I. Robinson challenges received wisdom on Central America. He starts with an exposition of the new global capitalism. Then, drawing on a wide range of historical documentation, interviews, and social science research, he proceeds to show how capitalist globalization has thoroughly transformed the region, disrupting the conventional pattern of revolutionary upheaval, civil wars, and pacification, ushering in instead a new transnational model of economy and society.

Beyond his focus on Central America, Robinson provides a critical framework for understanding development and social change in other regions of the world in the age of globalization. Demonstrating how the very forces of capitalism have brought into being new social agents and political actors unlikely to acquiesce in the face of the emerging order, Transnational Conflicts shows why the Isthmus is likely to return to the headlines in the near future.

Praise for Transnational Conflicts:

"This book operates at multiple levels. It is a detailed and original contribution to the study of Central America. And by positioning Central America in a broader historical and structural framing, Robinson also makes a major contribution to our understanding of global capitalism. Through it all, the narrative never loses track of human actors involved. Complex and brilliant!"

--Saskia Sassen,
Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology,University of Chicago,
and author of The Global City

"Since independence, Central America has been caught between competing external infuences. Now globalization is sucking the region into its web in a dramatic new way. William I. Robinson, in this ambitious book, analyses these trends in great detail while offering the reader a bold and distinctive interpretation of globalization. The result is a fine piece of scholarship that deserves careful study."

--Professor Victor Bulmer-Thomas,
Director, Royal Institute of International Affairs

His 1996 book, Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, US Intervention, and Hegemony, is a critical examination of United States foreign policy in the Third World won the Distinghished Scholarship Award of the Political Economy of the World System section of the American Sociological Association.


William Robinson, Ph.D.
c/o Department of Sociology
SSMS, 3310
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9430
fax: (805) 893-3324

Twitter: @w_i_robinson

Facebook: WilliamIRobinsonSociologist